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The Greens at Belden - Jackson Township, OH

Unique redevelopment of the former 287-acre Tam’O Shanter golf course that will feature over $100M of construction for public improvements across two key intersections and a multitude of build to suit assemblies to create a mixed-use campus of retail, office, and senior living opportunities. Plans include a Meijer grocery, five proposed out parcels, 30,000 SF of small shop space, larger retail space ranging from 25,000 to 100,000 SF, and a 3-acre office space.


Additionally, a senior living campus will occupy the acreage directly behind the commercial sector that will include a 120 unit assisted living facility as well as a 120 unit independent living community.


With it’s proximity to the soon to be newly developed Tam O’Shanter Park and township recreational facilities, the Greens at Belden is primed to become a dynamic environment at the center of the community.
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